Franzen Upchuck

from The Observer Why I Almost Committed Suicide Watching Jonathan Franzen on Jeopardy A three-time Jeopardy champ nearly loses it seeing a slightly more famous writer at the game-show podium Neal Pollack I’m a Jeopardy! champion. I won three games in September of...

The Proper Pot-smoker

from Vanity Fair The Author of How to Smoke Pot (Properly) Wants to Keep Weed Weird, Even When It’s Legal BY ANDREA WHITTLE Courtesy of Plume/Penguin Random House. Passionate pothead and 15-year veteran journalist David Bienenstock came up with the idea for his latest...

Berkeley Bookstores Surviving

from The San Jose Mercury News Berkeley: Independent bookstores adapt to keep customers By Tom Lochner (Kristopher Skinner/Bay Area News Group) BERKELEY — Battered by global economic forces, rising commercial rents, online buying and other changes in consumer...

Nabokov, Amateur Lepidopterist

from The New Yorker Vladimir Nabokov, Butterfly Illustrator BY ELIF BATUMAN Vladimir Nabokov began collecting lepidoptera at the age of seven. Throughout a long and protean literary career, his passion for insects remained unwavering. He published his first verses as...

Learning Through Writing

from the Richmond Times-Dispatch My Life: Imparting life lessons among 10th-grade teacher’s favorite tasks by Christina Grande CHRISTINA GRANDE When I was in third grade, I dressed up as a teacher for Halloween. My mom sprayed my jet-black hair gray (with...