Carnal Knowledge by Malerie Marder
Simplicity is often regarded as the ultimate sophistication, and by this definition alone Malerie Marder‘s beautiful compositions are unbelievably compelling. Often set within stark, anonymous motel rooms, her photographic compositions feature her similarly bare sitters. Accessorised only with impassive expressions, they allow the viewer to play voyeur, but with a distinct feeling of having pre-arranged permission.
Carnal Knowledge is her first monograph, a milestone in the career of any artist, and it has been gorgeously produced by Violette Editions with a preface by Gregory Crewdson, texts by Charlotte Cotton and novelist James Ellroy, and short stories inspired by Marder’s works by A. M. Homes, James Frey and Bruce Wagner. There is also a written and photographic correspondence between Marder and Philip-Lorca diCorcia.