Hell’s Knuckle Duster

from the Financial Times Hells Angels sue luxury fashion house ByJonathan Birchall in New York Published: October 27 2010 01:37 | Last updated: October 27 2010 01:37 The world of edgy high fashion has collided with the legal grit of the Hells Angels motorcycle group...

The Return Of Mayor Koch in Mural

from The New York Times Graffiti of New York’s Past, Revived and Remade By RANDY KENNEDY Robert Wright for The New York Times With “Joan of Arc,” at a warehouse along the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, the graffiti collective Slavery is paying homage to a 1980 work that...

They’re Coming.

from The New York Times Humans to Asteroids: Watch Out! Erik T. Johnson By RUSSELL SCHWEICKART A FEW weeks ago, an asteroid almost 30 feet across and zipping along at 38,000 miles per hour flew 28,000 miles above Singapore. Why, you might reasonably ask, should...

Stephen Elliot’s “Adderall Diaries” for iPad

from The New York Times Blurring the Line Between Apps and Books By NOAM COHEN STEPHEN ELLIOTT, a 38-year-old from San Francisco, just introduced his first piece of software for sale: an app for the iPad and iPhone called the Adderall Diaries. He’s not exactly a...

The Ecosystem Of Independent Publishing

from Publishing Perspectives  Small Press Maestro: Jeffrey Lependorf and the Ecosystem of Independent Publishing By Kate Travers In 1967 a motley crew of magazine editors including George Plimpton (The Paris Review), Robie Macauley (The Kenyon Review) and Russell...