by | Jun 29, 2016 | Projects
from CBS Boston How ‘American Gothic’ Crew Transformed Toronto Into Boston By Liam Martin Home from “American Gothic” (CBS) TORONTO (CBS) — If the house and the neighborhood at the center of the new CBS thriller “American Gothic” looks like they could be found on...
by | Jun 24, 2016 | Culture Music Art, Projects
from Billboard Tonic’s Jeff Russo on Scoring ‘American Gothic,’ ‘Fargo’ & Marvel’s ‘Legion,’ Plus the 20th Anniversary of ‘Lemon Parade’ by Melinda Newman Jeff Russo, the composer for new CBS series,...
by | Jun 23, 2016 | Projects
from The Wichita Eagle ‘American Gothic’ hits close to home for BTK’s daughter BY ROY WENZL “I think it’s important to remember that there are actual people who died, 10 people who lost their lives and 8 families – that’s including mine – that were destroyed and...
by | Jun 22, 2016 | Projects
from The Wrap ‘American Gothic’ Showrunner on Why the Set Is Like a ‘Massive Game of Clue’ By Linda Ge CBS “The fun of shooting is that they can all kind of look at each other with suspicion,” Corinne Brinkerhoff tells TheWrap about keeping the mystery going even for...
by | Jun 19, 2016 | Projects
from The New York Post ‘American Gothic’ goes arty with a visual nod to masters By Robert Rorke Virginia Madsen (above) strikes a pose similar to Whistler’s mother (below).Photo: Christos Kalohoridis/CBS One doesn’t expect to see great American works of art...
by | Jun 2, 2016 | Culture Music Art, Projects
from Flickering Myth Promo images for American Gothic premiere episode – ‘Arrangement in Grey and Black’ BY AMIE CRANSWICK Following last week’s promo [watch it here], CBS has released a batch of images from the first episode of the upcoming mystery drama...