Daddy Hunter

from Fatherly  Fear And Loathing In Fatherhood: Everything You Need To Know About Parenting in 7 Hunter S. Thompson Quotes Hunter S. Thompson was a lot of things. Gun lover. Bucket hat wearer. A man who did enough cocaine to kill an entire species. You know him as The...

Tugging The Salmon

from UFUNK Masturbation – Les expressions hilarantes des différents pays Si en France on possède déjà de nombreuses expressions très imagées et subtiles pour désigner la masturbation masculine, je vous propose de découvrir quels sont les doux euphémismes utilisés dans...

Hackman The Assman

from Vulture On the 30th Anniversary of Hoosiers, the Movie’s Director Recalls What a Pain Gene Hackman Was By David Marchese Gene Hackman in “Hoosiers” Photo: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer The success and long afterlife of Hoosiers — released almost exactly 30...