by | Jun 21, 2012 | Literary News
Pittacus Lore Transmission #5 Revealed: On John’s Lumen We now know that Number Four has developed the Legacy of the Lumen–and that has the potential to mean more than any of us could ever guess. In this latest transmission from Lorien elder Pittacus Lore, he shares...
by | Jun 18, 2012 | Literary News, Mirth
from The PARIS REVIEW Drunk Texts from Famous Authors June 18, 2012 | by Jessie Gaynor [ click to read all sotted texts at The PARIS REVIEW ]
by | Jun 14, 2012 | Literary News, Weirdness
from AP via Pioneer Press Arizona asks for haikus to promote dust storm safety The Associated Press PHOENIX—Arizona transportation officials are getting the message out about dust storm safety—in precisely 17 syllables. The Arizona Department of Transportation is...
by | Jun 10, 2012 | Literary News
from Reason Ray Bradbury: Enemy of the State Remembering the late science fiction writer by Charles C. Johnson Ray Bradbury won’t “live forever,” as he wished, but he may well live on as the most-read critic of the state in America’s public schools. It was in public...
by | Jun 6, 2012 | Literary News
from CNN Sci-fi legend Ray Bradbury dies By Alan Duke, CNN Los Angeles (CNN) — Science fiction author Ray Bradbury, whose imagination yielded classic books such as “Fahrenheit 451,” “The Martian Chronicles” and “Something Wicked...
by | Jun 4, 2012 | Literary News
from Notes From The Underground Quickfire with James Frey James Frey is the author of – in my opinion – some of the best books written in the last decade: A Million Little Pieces, My friend Leonard, Bright Shiny Morning and The Final Testament of The Holy Bible. I am...