Leave Papa’s Pussies Alone

from TODAY Cat fight pits government against Hemingway museum By A. Pawlowski, TODAY.com contributor A popular tourist attraction has lost another round in the legal battle over who is in charge of the slinky creatures with nine lives and six toes roaming its grounds....

Catcher In The Rye Still Evil

from The Telegraph UK Catcher in the Rye dropped from US school curriculum Schools in America are to drop classic books such as Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and JD Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye from their curriculum in favour of ‘informational...

Nasonex Corral’ed

from The Wall Street Journal Writers Leave the Book Covers to Him By MATT MCCUE Rodrigo Corral is the darling of the literati—even though he’s not a writer, agent or publisher. Over the past 15 years, Mr. Corral has designed more than 500 book covers for works...