by | Jun 24, 2014 | Literary News
from The Financial Times Felix Dennis, the improbable magazine entrepreneur By Matthew Engel Felix Dennis, center, with James Anderson, left, and Richard Neville, editors of Oz, after being found guilty of corrupting public morals in 1971. (United Press International)...
by | Jun 15, 2014 | Literary News
from NY Times Poetry: Who Needs It? By WILLIAM LOGAN GAINESVILLE, Fla. — WE live in the age of grace and the age of futility, the age of speed and the age of dullness. The way we live now is not poetic. We live prose, we breathe prose, and we drink, alas, prose. There...
by | May 29, 2014 | Culture Music Art, Literary News
from TIME Magazine Maya Angelou: A Hymn to Human Endurance Remembering a life of relentless creativity. When Maya Angelou was 16 she became not only the first black streetcar conductor in San Francisco but the first woman conductor. By the time she was 40 she had also...
by | May 23, 2014 | Bright Shiny News, Literary News, Projects
from The Guardian Million dollar cover reveal for James Frey’s new Endgame series Newsflash: Readers around the world are given the chance to win a million dollars in gold by solving the clues of a super-puzzle! by Amber Segal Emblazoned… Endgame: The...
by | May 18, 2014 | Literary News, Projects
from Publishers Marketplace BEA In A Book, Featuring The Best of YA! Available for free download now for Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple’s iBookstore, the Google Play Books store, and Kobo. This inaugural edition of Buzz Books: Young Adult provides...
by | May 17, 2014 | Literary News, Weirdness
from The New York Times Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm By JENNIFER MEDINA A sophomore at the university, Bailey Loverin, and others have formally called for “trigger warnings” on class syllabuses that would flag potentially traumatic subject...