by | Aug 26, 2014 | Bright Shiny News, Culture Music Art, Literary News, Projects
from The Art Newspaper A million little gardeners Seedbed, 2010, by Elliott Arkin. Photograph: Amherst College A Million Little Pieces author James Frey is set to turn the artist Elliott Arkin’s series of sculptures depicting famous artists as garden gnomes into a...
by | Aug 17, 2014 | Literary News
from the Hampton Union These kids ‘Wannaread’ North Hampton Library’s summer camp book club a hit Lisa Tetrault-Zhe Photo Fifth-grade North Hampton School students Calvin and Trevor, and sixth-grade student Dasha, with the grand prize for the summer...
by | Aug 15, 2014 | Literary News, Los Angeles
from The LA Times Celebrating Charles Bukowski, ‘poet laureate of L.A. lowlife’ By CAROLYN KELLOGG Charles Bukowski, “poet laureate of L.A. lowlife,” became one of the best-known poets in America. (Richard Robinson / Black Sparrow Press)...
by | Aug 14, 2014 | Culture Music Art, Literary News, Projects
from Comic Book Resources SDCC: FREY, DASHNER & MORE GO BEYOND THE PAGE At Comic-Con International 2014, the “Beyond the Page” session featured a panel deep with talent. The artists and writers, which included James Frey, Christ Weitz, James...
by | Aug 12, 2014 | Literary News, Projects
by | Jul 30, 2014 | Literary News
from Paste Call Me Ishmael: The Phenomenon Revolutionizing How We Talk About Books By Emelia Fredlick “Call me Ishmael.” It’s one of the most recognizable opening sentences in literature (right up there with “every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” and “it was...