Wu-Tang Shkreli

from artnet Martin Shkreli Sued for Allegedly Copying One-of-a-Kind Wu-Tang Clan Album The lawsuit alleges Shkreli played the music on social media and bragged about it. by Adam Schrader Martin Shkreli outside the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New...

The Big Whack

from The New York Times A Big Whack That Made the Moon May Have Also Created Continents That Move by Lucas Joel Some 4.5 billion years ago, many scientists say, Earth had a meetup with Theia, another planetary object the size of Mars. When the two worlds...

A Residency In Portland

from Observer Sci-Fi Author Ursula Le Guin’s Portland Home Is Becoming a Writers Residency Le Guin had a clear vision for her home to become a creative space for writers and a beacon for the literary community, according to Literary Arts director Andrew Proctor....

Next To Heaven

from Deadline Who Is Anonymous, The Author Of Hot Book ‘Next To Heaven?’ Deadline Solves The Mystery As TV Rights Deal Closes With Publishing Pact Coming By Mike Fleming Jr. The novel Next to Heaven hit the market this week. Written by Anonymous, it’s a social satire...

AIgnore, No

from PC Magazine Ray Kurzweil: AI Is Not Going to Kill You, But Ignoring It Might We talk to the famed futurist about his new book, ‘The Singularity is Nearer,’ and why he’s doubling down on his prediction that humans will merge with machines by...