James Frey tells Big Think that “The Million Little Pieces” controversy with Oprah “really freed me to be as radical as I want, to break every rule I want, and to not have to care what other people thought.”
The first time I started writing A Million Little Pieces I’d been searching for a voice for years and years and years, and one day I sat down and I started writing that book, and I wrote the first sentence. And it felt right. It felt more right than anything I had ever written. And so I kept going, and over the course of a couple days I wrote probably the first fifteen or twenty pages of it. And I had never worked that fast before. I was kind of stunned by it. At the end of it I looked at those pages and I was, like, I did it. This is what I’ve always, this is how I’ve always been trying to write. This is the voice I’ve always been trying to find.
That book coming out and the controversies related to it were obviously a big moment for me probably not in the ways people might think. You know, I didn’t write that book as a memoir. I’ve never thought of it as a memoir. We didn’t submit it to publishers as memoirs, even though it was published as one. When the controversy blew up and I was sort of written off by the publishing business and by the literary community, instead of being upset about it I was kind of excited. I was, like, I had to work within your system. I wrote a book that wasn’t what it was published as. I always knew I wasn’t born to work in that system, and I won’t ever do it again. You know, from that point forward I was free. I got kicked out of a club I didn’t want to be a part of, and it was awesome.