There is no dark side of the moon…

from NPR China has just returned the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon by Geoff Brumfiel The Chang’e 6 capsule landed in the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia on Tuesday. / CCTV Screenshot by NPR A Chinese probe has returned to Earth carrying the...

Do It Mayor Adams!

from Bloomberg New York City Schools Should Be Next to Ban Mobile Phones Los Angeles is moving in favor of students’ well-being. Mayor Eric Adams can ensure NYC does, too. By Michael R. Bloomberg This isn’t working.Source: monkeybusinessimages/iStockphoto Last week...

Another Big Boom

from The Hill ‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ explosive event in space expected soon: What to know BY ADDY BINK A conceptual image of how to find Hercules and his mighty globular clusters in the sky created using a planetarium software. Look up after sunset during summer months...

Beautiful Americans

from The Wall Street Journal Europe Has a New Economic Engine: American Tourists Free-spending visitors are fueling a powerful boom in southern Europe, flipping economic power in the EU. Some economists think it could end badly. By Tom Fairless A tourist poses for...