Eli Roth Finds the Fun Side of Horror in DreamWorks’ Fright Krewe
Created and Executive-Produced by Eli Roth and James Frey, Fright Krewe is DreamWorks’ latest animated series. Focusing on an unlikely group of teenagers with mystical powers and a duty to stop an ancient evil from ripping apart New Orleans, Fright Krewe takes the classic adventure animation dynamics and infuses them with some of the frights and tension that Roth is most famous for. There are plenty of monsters and horrific images, but Roth maintains a consistently appealing edge to the central characters and their stories.
The result is a fun show that serves as a gateway for younger audiences to the horror genre. During an interview with CBR, Eli Roth discussed how Fright Krewe draws from Voodoo mythology and figures, the importance of authenticity, taking inspiration from previous animated projects, and crafting a series that older horror fans can share with their children.