by | Nov 5, 2022 | Culture Music Art, Weirdness
from Common Sense There Is No Such Thing as A.I. Art DALL-E compiles, sifts, and analyzes. But it doesn’t dare. It doesn’t take risks. Only humans, our vulnerable species, can. Walter Kirn writes. by Walter Kirn (“Picasso style dramatic acrylic painting of a confused...
by | Nov 4, 2022 | Culture Music Art
from The Wall Street Journal The Power of a Cosmic Perspective The way we think about human fate and responsibility has always been bound up with our understanding of the heavens By Neil deGrasse Tyson A 19th-century illustration of the Leonid meteor shower seen by...
by | Nov 3, 2022 | Weirdness
from WIRED The Sci-Fi Dream of a ‘Molecular Computer’ Is Getting More Real Chemists have long conceptualized tiny machines that could fabricate drugs, plastics, and other polymers that are hard to build with bigger tools. by MAX G. LEVY PHOTOGRAPH: GETTY IMAGES DAVID...
by | Nov 2, 2022 | Weirdness
from CNN Meet the mystery diamond from outer space By Madeline Holcombe (From left) Dougal McCulloch, a professor at RMIT University, with Salek and Tomkins at the RMIT Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility in Australia. McCulloch was another coauthor of the study....
by | Nov 1, 2022 | Culture Music Art
from The New Hampshire Union Leader Why do you like the music you like? Science weighs in By Nayantara Dutta Special to The Washington Post Have you wondered why you love a particular song or genre of music? The answer may lie in your personality, although other...