Rogue Waves

from The Future of Things The Wave That Changed Science by Ran Levi Historical image of a possible Rouge Wave(Credit: NOAA Photo Library) Over the centuries many sailors described seeing huge ocean waves, monsters of the seas that towered to heights of 30 meters and...


from The Millions On Pandemic and Literature by Ed Simon Less than a century after the Black Death descended into Europe and killed 75 million people—as much as 60 percent of the population (90% in some places) dead in the five years after 1347—an anonymous Alsatian...

Anal Contact Tracing

from The Mirror Smart toilet recognises users by their ‘anal print’ and can detect early signs of cancer Scientists say the smart toilet could be useful to individuals who are predisposed to certain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, prostate...

Caveman Make String

from artnet Archaeologists Just Discovered That Neanderthals Made String 50,000 Years Ago, Suggesting They Were Waaay Smarter Than We Thought The researchers say that Neanderthals “really weren’t very different from us.” Modern cordage made of grass...