Digitus Impudicus

from VICE The Long, Angry History of Flipping the Bird by Mack Lamoureux The middle finger is way older than you think. In late October, a woman named Juli Briskman pulled off something that many Americans—plus many foreigners—would die to do. Briskman, bless her...

Zombie Star

from BGR Astronomers struggle to explain ‘zombie star’ that keeps exploding but won’t die by Mike Wehner Image Source: ESO We humans like to pretend we know a lot about space and the various objects that we’ve observed in it, but at the end of the day we find...

Bring Back The Hiss!

from The Wall Street Journal A Global Shortage of Magnetic Tape Leaves Cassette Fans Reeling Brisk demand from old and new fans prompts a Missouri company to return to a long-paused business By Ryan Dezember and Anne Steele SPRINGFIELD, Mo.—Steve Stepp and his team of...

Koons On Art

from Bloomberg Jeff Koons on the True Price of Being an Artist The creator of some of the world’s most expensive art talks about his collaboration with Louis Vuitton and how excitement affects value. By James Tarmy Jay-Z performs at the V Festival in front of a Jeff...