Pink Floyd Killer Shrimp

from NPR A Shrimp That Can Kill With Sound Is Named After Pink Floyd by ROBIN HILTON Synalpheus pinkfloydi, which was recently named after the band Pink Floyd, for the distinctive coloration of its claw. Arthur Anker/Courtesy of Sammy De Grave and Oxford University...

Probert’s Ashes Sent To Penalty Box

from The Washington Post NHL enforcer Bob Probert’s widow sprinkled his ashes in Red Wings’ penalty box By Des Bieler Bob Probert carved out a fearsome reputation as an enforcer, during a lengthy career spent with the Red Wings and Blackhawks, before dying of a heart...

Enceladus Alive!

from The Independent Nasa announces one of Saturn’s moons could support alien life in our solar system Molecular hydrogen, as found on Enceladus, is one of the essential parts of life on Earth by Andrew Griffin There might be alien life in our own solar system,...

California A-flower

from NBC Los Angeles Photos: California Bursts With Spring Colors By Jonathan Lloyd The hills are alive with the colors of spring. California’s bright colors are in full bloom after one of the state’s wettest winters in years nourished wildflowers, some...

Brain Grooves

from Vice The Encephalophone Is a Real Instrument You Can Play with Your Mind by Andrea Domanick Researchers at the University of Washington have found that it may also help treat neurological problems. Today in Cool Stuff Brought to You by Science, we have the...