Rock Beyoncé, Amadeus

from Atlas Obscura Mozart Has Sold More CDs in 2016 Than Beyoncé By Eric Grundhauser Jealous? JOHANN NEPOMUK DELLA CROCE/PUBLIC DOMAIN The artist who sold the most CDs in 2016 hasn’t toured in over 200 years, but is still more famous than Drake. According to a report...

Rock, Paper, Holy Shit!

from Kotaku Japan’s Most Intense Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition by Brian Ashcraft [GIF via Nippon Channel] Leave it to Japan to make a friendly game of rock-paper-scissors into an event, complete with cosplay, cheering, and crying. Since 2010, members of idol...

Hidden City @ The South Pole

from The Sun Shock claims massive ancient civilisation lies frozen beneath mile of Antarctic ice – and could even be Atlantis Conspiracy theorists believe that there is a secret city which has frozen over – and it could even be the Lost City of Atlantis BY...

National Asteroid Day decreed by QUEEN

from PASTE Thanks to Queen’s Brian May, We Now Have “International Asteroid Day” By Monica Hunter-Hart The fact that an asteroid could easily and suddenly obliterate Earth is something people usually try not to think about. But Queen guitarist and...