Fear And Loathing In Fatherhood: Everything You Need To Know About Parenting in 7 Hunter S. Thompson Quotes
Hunter S. Thompson was a lot of things. Gun lover. Bucket hat wearer. A man who did enough cocaine to kill an entire species. You know him as The Godfather of Gonzo journalism, the man who inspired an entire generation of writers. One thing he wasn’t? Father of the year. Far from it. Thompson, father of 1, pretty much violated all contemporary ideas of safe and responsible parenting. Instead, he promoted a hedonistic, hell-raising existence that was based more on LSD and long-barrel shotguns than child-psychology books.
Or so it would seem. In his memoir, Juan Thompson, Hunter’s son, insists that his old man had another side, that of the patient, doting dad and grandfather. Either way, Hunter was full of wisdom. So buy the ticket, take the ride, and enjoy some his choicest words.
On Not Safe, And Not Sorry
“My life has been the polar opposite of safe, but I am proud of it and so is my son, and that is good enough for me.”
On Showing Signs Of Greatness
“Weird behavior is natural in smart children, like curiosity is to a kitten.”