The Origins of War

from The Guardian Stone-age massacre offers earliest evidence of human warfare Researchers say remains of 27 murdered tribespeople in Kenya prove attacks were normal part of hunter-gatherer relations  by Maev Kennedy Part of a man’s skeleton found lying in the lagoon....

Robots To Destroy Mankind

from The Sunday Express The Terminator could become REAL: Intelligent AI robots capable of DESTROYING mankind FREE-THINKING AI robots could end up destroying mankind or even completely change what it means to be human if we let them think for themselves, a scientist...

Razors Are For Girls

from CNBC Beards boom, and so do businesses catering to them by Denise Garcia | @denisejaeg Javier David | CNBC Politicians sometimes wear them, and so do a few chief executives. Urban hipsters have become synonymous with them, yet rugged outdoorsmen have been...