Ken Solomon Wants A Piece Of Your Sky
Artist Ken Solomon needs your help. Perhaps best known for highly detailed watercolor paintings based on Google image searches or aerial views, among other things, Solomon is crowdsourcing for what will eventually become a 24-hour video. His goal: “7,200 twenty-second videos of the sky, all filmed on the same day at the exact same time across the globe.” According to the project’s website, the final result will be an immersive piece that visitors can dip in and out of — sort of a sedate, weather-focused companion to “The Clock.”
“The idea is a video installation, projected on a ceiling,” Solomon writes. “It will start at 5AM in Hawaii. Dark sky, will ease to sunset in Alaska. To California, across the States, to Iceland, Europe, sun will be setting, to Eastern bloc, back to night sky in Asia and New Zealand/Australia. Ideally the video runs 24 hours to correspond with the time of the sky above.”