Joan Rivers Gone

from E! Joan Rivers Dead at 81: Comic Legend Passes Away After Being Taken Off Life Support by Lily Harrison  Joan Rivers has passed away at 81 years old. Her daughter, Melissa Rivers, released the following statement: “It is with great sadness that I announce...

Semi- Props From the ‘Doo

from The Denisonian From racetracks to race relations: Denison’s little-known alumni By David Allen and Carole Burkett, Sports Editor and Editor-in-Chief We all know about Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner, and Richard Lugar, but who knew that we had a potato salad...

Where’s All The White Willy’s At?

from Time Magazine Where Are All the Hacked Pics of Men? Sarah Miller @sarahlovescali From Scarlett Johansson to Jennifer Lawrence, the victims of hack attacks are almost never men—part of a bigger problem with sexist internet culture When I read the headlines that...