by | Jun 20, 2014 | Culture Music Art
from TIME Study: Food Trucks May Be Safer Than Restaurants by Aleksandra Gjorgievska Food trucks gather at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto on April 2, 2014.Andrew Francis —Toronto Star/Getty Images Food trucks in 7 cities performed better than or the same as...
by | Jun 19, 2014 | Mirth
from SPLOID The designer of the F-16 explains why the F-35 is such a crappy plane by Casey Chan According to the Pierre Sprey, co-designer of the F-16, the F35 is a turkey. Inherently, a terrible airplane. An airplane built for a dumb idea. A kludge that will fail...
by | Jun 18, 2014 | Culture Music Art
from The Telegraph Mt Etna eruption disrupts tourist flights to Sicily Eruption of Mt Etna, Europe’s most active volcano, results in delays and disruptions for tourists trying to reach Sicily By Nick Squires, Rome Flights into and out of the Italian city of...
by | Jun 17, 2014 | Culture Music Art
pledge at Kickstarter BANDITO is the coming-of-age epic tale of a young boy, who sneaks out to join his older brother on a life-changing semi-truck robbery. [ click to pledge now ]
by | Jun 16, 2014 | Weirdness
from The Telegraph UK Poachers kill one of the world’s largest elephants in Kenya Poachers hack the face and tusks off Satao, one of Kenya’s most famous elephants, as conservationists warn elephant poaching “is at least 10 times the official figures”...