Avenge Of The Nerds

from MIT Technology Review Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties Recent events have highlighted the fact that hackers, coders, and geeks are behind a vibrant political culture. By Gabriella Coleman A decade-plus of anthropological fieldwork among hackers...

Dawn Of The Real Undead

from The New York Times Raging (Again) Against the Robots By CATHERINE RAMPELL THE robots are coming! Word is they want your job, your life and probably your little dog, too. Robots have once again gripped the nation’s imagination, stoking fears of displaced jobs and...

Hizzoner Ed Koch Gone

from The NY Daily News Ed Koch was fearless, priceless and loyal — a combination not found in today’s politicians He took heat for his bipartisan efforts, but he forged relationships and did what was necessary to make New York City a better place. That’s what Ed...