The Mixtape Lives

from The New York Times The Mixtape Is Back! By JOHN BIGGS They say that fashion is cyclical. The same goes for technology. Sure, most cellphones are the epitome of trendiness, but just think how cool you’ll be if you hark back to the 1980s with AirCassette, an app...

The da Vinci Trove

from CNN Are there more lost Leonardo paintings out there? By Laura Allsop, CNN London (CNN) — A newly discovered painting by Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci has sent shock waves through the art world, prompting speculation that more of his paintings could...

Yeah, right.

from MSNBC White House: No sign of E.T. or UFO cover-up Science policy official responds to petitions calling for full disclosure By Nancy Atkinson / Universe Today The White House has responded to two petitions asking the U.S. government to acknowledge formally that...