Summer Beach Read: The Power of Six
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 1:12 PM | posted by Laura Brounstein
The Power of Six, “by” Pittacus Lore, is the latest book from James Frey’s Full Fathom Five and, like its predecessor, I Am Number Four, it is a furiously fun foray into the fight facing the teenage survivors of the planet Lorien.

Not only do these teens have to struggle against alien predators, the Mogadorians, but they also need to learn how to handle their adolescent inclinations — both earthly (I like two girls!) and not (can I harness my powers, my Legacies, effectively enough to save the planet?).
While John Smith, the hero of I Am Number Four is a central character of this book as well, he is now joined by two other Loriens, Numbers Six and Seven. They are two very different girls, Six is a hardened battle veteran and Seven is just coming into her Legacies, but their characters develop richly as the book progresses, giving what could otherwise be just another YA genre romp some heart and heft.