by | May 27, 2011 | Culture Music Art, Projects
from Richard Phillips for Paddle8 The Pop Artist Gets Biblical for a Groundbreaking Online Exhibition Matchmaking art stars with collectors, new digital platform Paddle8 teams up with high-profile galleries to mount online exhibitions devoid of...
by | May 27, 2011 | Culture Music Art
from The Arizona Republic [ click to continue recipe at ]
by | May 26, 2011 | Culture Music Art
from artnet Malerie Marder LABOR OF LOVE by Charlie Finch Malerie Marder, My Mother and My Boyfriend, 2000 Celebrated actor spouses Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard hosted a party last week at their Park Slope home for photographer Malerie Marder’s...
by | May 26, 2011 | Culture Music Art
from The New York Times Can a Picasso Cure You? Sara Krulwich/The New York Times The conceptual artist Alexander Melamid has created a storefront clinic in SoHo where visitors will be “treated” through exposure to fine art. By CHARLES McGRATH The...
by | May 26, 2011 | Culture Music Art, Literary News
from The American Magazine The End of the Book? By John Steele Gordon Saturday, May 21, 2011 The book business will go through a transformation in the next decade or so more profound than any it has seen since Johannes Gutenberg introduced printing from moveable type...