Richard Phillips Gets Biblical @ Paddle8

from   Richard Phillips for Paddle8 The Pop Artist Gets Biblical for a Groundbreaking Online Exhibition Matchmaking art stars with collectors, new digital platform Paddle8 teams up with high-profile galleries to mount online exhibitions devoid of...

Malerie Marder: LABOR OF LOVE

from artnet Malerie Marder LABOR OF LOVE by Charlie Finch Malerie Marder, My Mother and My Boyfriend, 2000 Celebrated actor spouses Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard hosted a party last week at their Park Slope home for photographer Malerie Marder’s...

Art Healing Ministry

from The New York Times Can a Picasso Cure You? Sara Krulwich/The New York Times The conceptual artist Alexander Melamid has created a storefront clinic in SoHo where visitors will be “treated” through exposure to fine art. By CHARLES McGRATH The...

Digital Killed The Physical Book

from The American Magazine The End of the Book? By John Steele Gordon Saturday, May 21, 2011 The book business will go through a transformation in the next decade or so more profound than any it has seen since Johannes Gutenberg introduced printing from moveable type...