Brigid Berlin - Needlepoint

Brigid Berlin

Featuring a selection of Berlin’s needlepoint
work of the last ten years

October 21st to November 22nd 2008
Please join us at a reception for the artist
Tuesday, October 21st from 6 to 8p.m.

It is not uncharacteristic that Berlin in later years has turned to the traditionally ladylike craft of needlepoint to create work that continues to challenge the social status quo, defy convention, and pose questions about taste and society. An avid consumer of tabloid newspapers, the “popular press” as it’s referred to in Britain, she translates front page headline broadsheets into genteel features of interior décor. Plush and tactile as the finished works might be they defy any but the hardiest to cozy up to them. Sweetheart cushions they are not.

Visit our website for more information.


50 1/2 East 64th Street
New York, New York 10065
P: 212.754.5626

Gallery Hours
Tues thru Fri: 10am to 6pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Closed Sundays and Mondays
