from The Telegraph UK

Poetry’s popularity soars online

By Stephen Adams

Poetry, long thought of as an art form in terminal decline, is taking off on the internet according to new figures.

Andrew Motion
Recognising the potential of the internet for poetry: Andrew Motion

The British-based Poetry Archive has released statistics that visitors to its website are now viewing a total of more than one million pages a month.

More than 125,000 individuals – or unique users – have visited the site, which hosts poems and audio readings by the poets themselves.

Andrew Motion, the British Poet Laureate, who co-founded the Poetry Archive in 2005, said of the figures: “It’s giving the lie to the idea that nobody reads poems any more.”

He thought the internet was providing a better medium for poetry than books. “Either books have not been doing the job or they are being outmanoeuvred by the internet.”

Emily Warn, editor of the Poetry Foundation, added: “Andrew Motion was one of the first to recognise that the internet is allowing millions of people to experience poetry in its oldest form — as an oral art form.

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