from the Chicago Sun-Times

Urine smell in room during jury selection

In between questioning sessions for potential jurors this morning, assistant state’s attorney Robert Heilingoetter complained about an unpleasant smell coming from the adjoining men’s room.

R. Kelly Mannequin

“You need a lime disk in there … or Febreze,” Heilingoetter said.

People on the east side of the room, including the judge, didn’t smell anything. But people on the west side of the room, where Kelly is sitting, could. Defense lawyer Marc Martin said it smelled like … a word that rhymes with ‘kiss.’

Judge Gaughan asked the sheriff’s deputies to handle it, and a few moments later one returned with a can of Lysol and sprayed.

Meanwhile, potential jurors are being asked if they would be put off by video images of urination that appear in the videotape for which Kelly faces criminal charges.

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