from Stephen Elliot’s

THE EDITOR’S DESK: What’s Been Going On

Well, we’re getting ready to launch this bad boy. I know for a lot of regular readers the site is already launched, but things are going to be different around here once Obama is sworn in as president. For example, after Obama is sworn in there will be design on every page, not just the front page. When you click through to Rick Moody’s blog, for example, you’ll see other recent blog posts on the right. The site’s going to be more colorful and easier to navigate. Rumpy, The Rumpus mascot, will be wearing nicer clothes. 

We’re also going to have a neat new easily accesible feature called “The River.” That’s basically for hard-core Rumpus readers, people who are seriously over-educated and under-employed, checking this site three or four times a day, who want to read The Rumpus in a continual stream of updated content right down the center of the page. The choice will be yours.

In addition to tons of new content (like Josh Mohr’s review of America America or Scott Hutchins interview with Steven Soderbergh, both coming this week) we’re going to republish a lot of our original content from this beta period. So don’t freak out when you see our interview with James Frey or Malcolm Gladwell in the feature box; this is not a rerun, it’s a starting over. The Morning Coffee will still be fresh every day at 6a.m.

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