
Of Murder and Memory: Stephen Elliott’s The Adderall Diaries


In the latest edition of the Gawker Book Club, we have Stephen Elliott  discussing his murder potboiler-cum-memoir The Adderall Diaries  with special guest interviewer Gawker special correspondent James Frey . They’ll be dropping in comments around 12:30pm. Why not join in?

Stephen, author of the novel Happy Baby, describes his seventh book this way: “The book is about a murder story I was following, that led me to another murder trial, and also about my father’s murder confession. That’s a lot of murder. But ultimately, all the confessions were false, so in some ways it’s really a book about truth and identity and how the lie mixes with the truth like red and yellow paint and it becomes orange, and you can never change it back to red or yellow. At one point this was a true crime book, but it became a memoir, and if I boiled it down to one thing I would say it’s a book about writing and being a writer.”


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