from BuzzFeed

9 Video Games Based On Classic Literature


2. Fahrenheit 451 (1984)

Fahrenheit 451 (1984)Via

Mostly text and a few graphics, and set five years after the novel concludes, protagonist Guy Montag is now an agent for the Literary Underground, whose sentries speak to one another in quotes from great books. His mission: break into the New York Public Library where illegal books have been transferred to micro cassette (Hey, it was 1984!) and upload them to the Undergrounds’ Information Network.

Ray Bradbury collaborated with the game’s designers on the script. Carisse McClellan is back as Montag’s partner in crime. There’s also a super intelligent computer named (what else?) RAY.

Enemies: Fireman, 451 Patrols, Electric Hounds.

Weaponry: A lighter called “The Flame of Knowledge.”

Can I Play It? You can download it here, then find a Commodore 64 or make your computer impersonate one.

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